Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The News-O-Holic and Suyash's Corner interviewed the author who came up with a unique anthology A Phase Unknown Women a Tribute. Following are the interview transcripts.

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  • Welcome to Suyash's Corner and News-O-Holic, Shreyasi. Kindly introduce yourself to our readers. 

Hello everyone! This is Shreyasi Rhittika Phukon, 22, from Moran but born and brought up in Jorhat; pursuing final year of bachelor. 

As I already said in earlier interviews, writing isn’t a God gift for me. Thanks to facebook which brought few chances for me to explore this never planned field. My fiction got selected in an anthology, authored by Ms. Heena Priya, which was my very first professional writing attempt apart from usual fb posts & notes. Eagerness increases when you taste success. No contradictory, I met some really passionate young writers, who’re my very best buddies now. Especially, Anuj Shrivastava – Author of “No Vacancy for Love” and Ravi Teja – Working on his debut novel. They always inspire & encourage me and share their core experience of literary world. You can quote them as “my idols”.

  •  Your anthology book, A Phase Unknown was really good. How and When did you think of coming up with such a topic, on which, until now, no one has worked so extensively?

Well, “India is now said to be the home of unspeakable crimes against women”. The value of women in our country has been subjected to great change since the ancient times. Newspapers, ENG, blogs are flooded with day to day new crimes. It becomes the prime news for the day and later, it just registers as statistics in records. Truth can’t be changed by ignoring! So, I decided to come out with the narration of better to say pain of females.  
  • What was your intention behind publishing this book?

Let me tell you frankly Suyash, novelists have two purpose. The one is selling chart and other fame. I didn’t have any. I knew this book would not hit the selling list as only quality readers and socialites would read and not being fantasy love tale or a formula story, target readership will shrink. But to my contrary, book has got enormous response which comes with non-demanded fame. I’m liking this! People and critics have appreciated my work too. 
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  • The book focuses entirely on the sufferings of females, what do you think, can this book get a change in the mind-sets of the so-called ‘macho’s’?

This is the biggest reason! Whatever we want to do, we think more specific on our actions only. ‘What will happen?’ ‘Whether it will bring any change?’ and most of us refrain from doing that.
But I didn’t. My purpose wasn’t to show the solution but to introduce the problem boldly, broadly and wildly without any adulteration.  Let show males what we’re going through, once, and tell them that we aren’t any toy to entertain you psychologically, physically, emotionally and socially. Change doesn’t come over night; it’s a slow fire which needs to ignite firstly!      
  • Lastly Shreyasi, what expectations do you have with this book?

‘Expectations hurt!’ You too have heard this <Smile>.  As I said earlier I don’t bring this anthology for any fame and earnings so my expectations isn’t usual. I just want, like you, rest males too respect and understand the most underrated creation of God i.e. We – The Women.     

Thank you for interacting with us, Shreyasi!  I am sure this interview will help readers know your perspective behind authoring such a brilliant book. Thank you once again! 



  1. Thank you so much....It was nice associating with you....stay blessed...



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